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Days of Wine and Roses
online na pozretie

  • Dráma, Romantický
  • 1963

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Days of Wine and Roses

📅 Rok natočenia: 1963
🌎 Krajina pôvodu: US
🎭 Žáner: Dráma, Romantický
🎬 Dĺžka: 117 minút
⭐ Hodnotenie: 75% (189 hodnotenie)

Days of Wine and Roses obsadenie - Herci a tvorcovia

Jack Lemmon

Jack Lemmon

Joe Clay
Lee Remick

Lee Remick

Kirsten Arnesen Clay
Charles Bickford

Charles Bickford

Ellis Arnesen
Jack Klugman

Jack Klugman

Jim Hungerford
Alan Hewitt

Alan Hewitt

Rad Leland
Tom Palmer

Tom Palmer


Časté otázky a zaujímavosti

V ktorom roku bol film Days of Wine and Roses natočený?

Film Days of Wine and Roses bol natočený v roku 1963.

Aká je dĺžka filmu Days of Wine and Roses?

Film Days of Wine and Roses trvá 117 minút.

Kto hrá vo filme Days of Wine and Roses?

Vo filme Days of Wine and Roses hrajú Jack Lemmon (Joe Clay), Lee Remick (Kirsten Arnesen Clay), Charles Bickford (Ellis Arnesen), Jack Klugman (Jim Hungerford), Alan Hewitt (Rad Leland), Tom Palmer (Ballefoy), Debbie Megowan (Debbie Clay), Maxine Stuart (Dottie), Jack Albertson (Trayner), Leon Alton (Party Guest (uncredited)), Don Anderson (Party Guest (uncredited)), Lynn Borden (Party Guest (uncredited)), George DeNormand (Party Guest (uncredited)), James Gonzalez (Party Guest (uncredited)), Kenner G. Kemp (Party Guest (uncredited)), Harold Miller (Party Guest (uncredited)), Bert Stevens (Party Guest (uncredited)), Arthur Tovey (Party Guest (uncredited)), Charlene Holt (Guest (uncredited)), Mary Benoit (Tenant (uncredited)), Ella Ethridge (Tenant (uncredited)), Pat O'Malley (Tenant (uncredited)), Mel Blanc (Cartoons (voice) (uncredited)), Gail Bonney (Gladys (uncredited)), Dick Crockett (Boor (uncredited)), Russell Custer (Alcoholics Anonymous Member (uncredited)), Mathew McCue (Alcoholics Anonymous Member (uncredited)), Jennifer Edwards (Debbie Clay at Age 5 (uncredited)), Chuck Hicks (Attendant (uncredited)), James Lanphier (Prince (uncredited)), Ken Lynch (Proprietor (uncredited)), Doye O'Dell (Charlie Deans (uncredited)), Jack Riley (Waiter (uncredited)), Tom Rosqui (Bettor (uncredited)), Olan Soule (Elevator Operator (uncredited)), Katherine Squire (Mrs. Nolan (uncredited)), Charles Watts (Landry (uncredited)), Russ Bender ((uncredited)), John Bard Manulis ((uncredited)), Leoda Richards (Party Guest), Barbara Hines (Party guest).

Ako sledovať Days of Wine and Roses online?

Film Days of Wine and Roses môžete sledovať online cez niekoľko streamovacích platforiem, ako je Apple TV. Prosím, overte si dostupnosť pořadu Days of Wine and Roses v rámci vášho predplatného na konkrétnej platforme.

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