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Reklama Zdroj:

Dead of Night
online na pozretie

  • Thriller, Horror
  • 1945
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Kde sledovať film Dead of Night online

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Dead of Night

📅 Rok natočenia: 1945
🌎 Krajina pôvodu: GB
🎭 Žáner: Thriller, Horror
🎬 Dĺžka: 103 minút
⭐ Hodnotenie: 72% (271 hodnotenie)

Obsadenie filmy alebo relácie Dead of Night - Herci a tvorcovia

Mervyn Johns

Mervyn Johns

Walter Craig (Segment "Linking Story")
Roland Culver

Roland Culver

Eliot Foley (Segment "Linking Story")
Mary Merrall

Mary Merrall

Mrs. Foley (Segment "Linking Story")
Googie Withers

Googie Withers

Joan Cortland (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Haunted Mirror")
Frederick Valk

Frederick Valk

Dr. Van Straaten (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")
Anthony Baird

Anthony Baird

Hugh Grainger (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Hearse Conductor")

Časté otázky a zaujímavosti

V ktorom roku bol film Dead of Night natočený?

Film Dead of Night bol natočený v roku 1945.

Aká je dĺžka filmu Dead of Night?

Film Dead of Night trvá 103 minút.

Kto hrá vo filme Dead of Night?

Vo filme Dead of Night hrajú Mervyn Johns (Walter Craig (Segment "Linking Story")), Roland Culver (Eliot Foley (Segment "Linking Story")), Mary Merrall (Mrs. Foley (Segment "Linking Story")), Googie Withers (Joan Cortland (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Haunted Mirror")), Frederick Valk (Dr. Van Straaten (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")), Anthony Baird (Hugh Grainger (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Hearse Conductor")), Sally Ann Howes (Sally O'Hara (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Christmas Story")), Robert Wyndham (Dr. Albury (Segment "The Christmas Story")), Judy Kelly (Joyce Grainger (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Hearse Conductor")), Miles Malleson (Hearse Driver (Segment "The Hearse Conductor")), Michael Allan (Jimmy Watson (Segment "The Christmas Story")), Barbara Leake (Mrs. O'Hara (Segment "Linking Story" & "The Christmas Story")), Ralph Michael (Peter Cortland (Segment "The Haunted Mirror")), Esme Percy (Antiques Dealer (Segment "The Haunted Mirror")), Basil Radford (George Parratt (Segment "The Golfing Story")), Naunton Wayne (Larry Potter (Segment "The Golfing Story")), Peggy Bryan (Mary Lee (Segment "The Golfing Story")), Allan Jeayes (Maurice Olcott (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")), Michael Redgrave (Maxwell Frere (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")), Elisabeth Welch (Beulah (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")), Hartley Power (Sylvester Kee (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")), Magda Kun (Mitzi (Magda Kun "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")), Garry Marsh (Harry Parker (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy")), Renee Gadd (Mrs. Craig (Segment "Linking Story")), John McGuire (Hugo Fitch (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy") (Uncredited)), Peter Jones (Fred, Barman (Segment "Golfing Story") (Uncredited)), Paul Bonifas (French Nightclub Patron (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy") (Uncredited)), Patrick Aherne (Doctor at Psychiatric Hospital (Segment "The Ventriloquist's Dummy") (Uncredited)).

Ako sledovať Dead of Night online?

Film Dead of Night môžete sledovať online cez niekoľko streamovacích platforiem, ako je Netflix. Prosím, overte si dostupnosť pořadu Dead of Night v rámci vášho predplatného na konkrétnej platforme.

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