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The Sparks Brothers
online na pozretie

  • Komédia, Historický, Dokumentárny, Hudobný
  • 2021
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The Sparks Brothers

📅 Rok natočenia: 2021
🌎 Krajina pôvodu: US , GB
🎭 Žáner: Komédia, Historický, Dokumentárny, Hudobný
🎬 Dĺžka: 140 minút
⭐ Hodnotenie: 74% (79 hodnotenie)

Obsadenie filmy alebo relácie The Sparks Brothers - Herci a tvorcovia

Ron Mael

Ron Mael

Russell Mael

Russell Mael




Gary Stewart


Mike Berns

Jane Wiedlin

Jane Wiedlin


Časté otázky a zaujímavosti

V ktorom roku bol film The Sparks Brothers natočený?

Film The Sparks Brothers bol natočený v roku 2021.

Aká je dĺžka filmu The Sparks Brothers?

Film The Sparks Brothers trvá 140 minút.

Kto hrá vo filme The Sparks Brothers?

Vo filme The Sparks Brothers hrajú Ron Mael (Self), Russell Mael (Self), Beck (Self), Gary Stewart (Self), Mike Berns (Self), Jane Wiedlin (Self), Sal Maida (Self), Christi Haydon (Self), Dean Menta (Self), Harley Feinstein (Self), Tony Visconti (Self), Mike Myers (Self), Fred Armisen (Self), Tammy Glover (Self), John Hewlett (Self), Giorgio Moroder (Self), "Weird Al" Yankovic (Self), Muff Winwood (Self), Nick Rhodes (Self), John Taylor (Self), Todd Rundgren (Self), Flea (Self), Hilly Michaels (Self), Jason Schwartzman (Self), Jonathan Ross (Self), Amy Sherman-Palladino (Self), Mark Crowther (Self), Vera Hegarty (Self), Neil Gaiman (Self), Stephen Morris (Self), Gillian Gilbert (Self), Katie Puckrik (Self), Patton Oswalt (Self), Steve Jones (Self), James Lowe (Self), Bernard Butler (Self), Scott Aukerman (Self), David Kendrick (Self), Stevie Nistor (Self), Chris Difford (Self), Martyn Ware (Self), Alex Kapranos (Self), Paul Morley (Self), Julia Marcus (Self), Pamela Des Barres (Self), Roddy Bottum (Self), Les Bohem (Self), April Richardson (Self), Lance Robertson (Self), Jack Antonoff (Self), John Congleton (Self), Earle Mankey (Self), Larry DuPont (Self), Patricia Lowe (Self), Vince Clarke (Self), Andy Bell (Self), Björk (Self (voice)), Mark Gatiss (Self), Richard Coble (Self), Nick Heyward (Self), Ian Hampton (Self), Thurston Moore (Self), Peter Knego (Self), Michael Silverblatt (Self), Adam Buxton (Self), Tosh Berman (Self), Edgar Wright (Self), Rusty Egan (Self), Jake Fogelnest (Self), Dave Weigel (Self), Madeline Bocchiaro (Self), Sue Harris (Self), Ben House (Self), Evan Weiss (Self), Alex Casnoff (Self), Patrick Kelly (Self), Eli Pearl (Self), Daniel Palladino (Self), Simon Pegg (John Lennon (voice)), Nick Frost (Ringo Starr (voice)), Leos Carax (Self (uncredited)), Paul McCartney (Self (archive footage)), Adam Driver (Self (uncredited)), Shelley Winters (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Liv Ullmann (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Pete Townshend (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Jacques Tati (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Donna Summer (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Ringo Starr (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Talia Shire (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), George Segal (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Molly Ringwald (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Elvis Presley (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Linda McCartney (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Harpo Marx (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Groucho Marx (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Chico Marx (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Jerry Lee Lewis (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), John Lennon (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Mick Jagger (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Billy Idol (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), George Harrison (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Bob Harris (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Bill Haley (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Jean-Luc Godard (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Danny DeVito (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Doris Day (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Roger Daltrey (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Dick Clark (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Belinda Carlisle (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Tim Burton (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), James Brown (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Chuck Berry (Self (archive footage) (uncredited)), Steve McDonald (Self (archive footage)).

Ako sledovať The Sparks Brothers online?

Film The Sparks Brothers môžete sledovať online cez niekoľko streamovacích platforiem, ako je Google Play Movies. Prosím, overte si dostupnosť pořadu The Sparks Brothers v rámci vášho predplatného na konkrétnej platforme.

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