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The Animatrix
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  • Animovaný, Science Fiction
  • 2003
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The Animatrix

📅 Rok natočenia: 2003
🌎 Krajina pôvodu: US
🎭 Žáner: Animovaný, Science Fiction
🎬 Dĺžka: 102 minút
⭐ Hodnotenie: 72% (1 586 hodnotenie)

Obsadenie filmy alebo relácie The Animatrix - Herci a tvorcovia

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves

Neo ("Kid's Story") (voice)
Carrie-Anne Moss

Carrie-Anne Moss

Trinity ("Kid's Story" and "A Detective Story") (voice)
Clayton Watson

Clayton Watson

The Kid ("Kid's Story") (voice)
Pamela Adlon

Pamela Adlon

Jue ("Final Flight of the Osiris") / Manabu ("Beyond") (voice)
Melinda Clarke

Melinda Clarke

Alexa ("Matriculated") (voice)
John DiMaggio

John DiMaggio

Crew Man ("Final Flight of the Osiris") / Kaiser ("Program") (voice)

Časté otázky a zaujímavosti

V ktorom roku bol film The Animatrix natočený?

Film The Animatrix bol natočený v roku 2003.

Aká je dĺžka filmu The Animatrix?

Film The Animatrix trvá 102 minút.

Kto hrá vo filme The Animatrix?

Vo filme The Animatrix hrajú Keanu Reeves (Neo ("Kid's Story") (voice)), Carrie-Anne Moss (Trinity ("Kid's Story" and "A Detective Story") (voice)), Clayton Watson (The Kid ("Kid's Story") (voice)), Pamela Adlon (Jue ("Final Flight of the Osiris") / Manabu ("Beyond") (voice)), Melinda Clarke (Alexa ("Matriculated") (voice)), John DiMaggio (Crew Man ("Final Flight of the Osiris") / Kaiser ("Program") (voice)), Kevin Michael Richardson (Thadeus ("Final Flight of Osiris") / Cop ("Kid's Story") / Agent #2 ("World Record")), Tom Kenny (Operator ("Final Flight of Osiris")), Rick Gomez (Pilot ("Final Flight of Osiris")), Tara Strong (Crew Woman ("Final Flight of Osiris") / Nurse ("World Record") / Misha ("Beyond")), Bette Ford (Old Woman ("Final Flight of Osiris")), Julia Fletcher (The Instructor ("The Second Renaissance Part I & II") / Narrator ("World Record")), Dane A. Davis (01 Versatran Spokesman ("The Second Renaissance Part I & II")), Debi Derryberry (Kid ("The Second Renaissance Part I & II")), Jill Talley (Mother ("The Second Renaissance Part I & II")), Dwight Schultz (Additional Voices ("The Second Renaissance Part I & II") / Monaka ("Matriculated")), James Arnold Taylor (Additional Voices ("The Second Renaissance Part I & II") / Ash ("A Detective Story") / Raul ("Matriculated")), John DeMita (Teacher ("Kid's Story")), Hedy Burress (Cis ("Program") / Yoko ("Beyond")), Phil LaMarr (Duo ("Program")), Victor Williams (Dan ("World Record")), John Wesley (Dan's Dad ("World Record")), Alex Fernandez (Tom ("World Record")), Allison Smith (Reporter ("World Record")), Matt McKenzie (Agent #1 ("World Record") / Agent ("Beyond") / Agent ("A Detective Story")), Tress MacNeille (Housewife ("Beyond") / Kenny ("Beyond")), Kath Soucie (Pudgy ("Beyond") / Masa ("Beyond") / Sara ("Beyond")), Terrence 'T.C.' Carson (Clarence ("A Detective Story")), Rodney Saulsberry (Chyron ("Matriculated")), Olivia d'Abo (Rox ("Matriculated")), Jack Fletcher (Sandro ("Matriculated")), 大塚明夫 (Thadeus (voice)).

Ako sledovať The Animatrix online?

Film The Animatrix môžete sledovať online cez niekoľko streamovacích platforiem, ako je Google Play Movies. Prosím, overte si dostupnosť filmu The Animatrix v rámci vášho predplatného na konkrétnej platforme.

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