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Dr. Who and the Daleks
online na pozretie

  • Dobrodružný, Rodinný, Science Fiction
  • 1965
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Dr. Who and the Daleks

📅 Rok natočenia: 1965
🌎 Krajina pôvodu: GB
🎭 Žáner: Dobrodružný, Rodinný, Science Fiction
🎬 Dĺžka: 82 minút
⭐ Hodnotenie: 56% (104 hodnotenie)

Obsadenie filmy alebo relácie Dr. Who and the Daleks - Herci a tvorcovia

Peter Cushing

Peter Cushing

Doctor Who
Roy Castle

Roy Castle

Ian Chesterton
Jennie Linden

Jennie Linden

Roberta Tovey

Roberta Tovey

Barrie Ingham

Barrie Ingham

Michael Coles

Michael Coles


Časté otázky a zaujímavosti

V ktorom roku bol film Dr. Who and the Daleks natočený?

Film Dr. Who and the Daleks bol natočený v roku 1965.

Aká je dĺžka filmu Dr. Who and the Daleks?

Film Dr. Who and the Daleks trvá 82 minút.

Kto hrá vo filme Dr. Who and the Daleks?

Vo filme Dr. Who and the Daleks hrajú Peter Cushing (Doctor Who), Roy Castle (Ian Chesterton), Jennie Linden (Barbara), Roberta Tovey (Susan), Barrie Ingham (Alydon), Michael Coles (Ganatus), Geoffrey Toone (Temmosus), Yvonne Antrobus (Dyoni), John Bown (Antodus), Mark Peterson (Elyon), Ken Garady (Thal), Nicholas Head (Thal), Mike Lennox (Thal), Jack Waters (Thal), Virginia Tyler (Thal), Jane Lumb (Thal), Bruce Wells (Thal), Martin Grace (Thal), Sharon Young (Thal), Gary Wyler (Thal), Mike Reid (Thal (uncredited)), Michelle Scott (Thal Child (uncredited)), Bruno Castagnoli (Dalek Operator), Mick Dillon (Dalek Operator), Bryan Hands (Dalek Operator), Robert Jewell (Dalek Operator), Kevin Manser (Dalek Operator), Eric McKay (Dalek Operator), Len Sanders (Dalek Operator), Gerald Taylor (Dalek Operator), David Graham (Dalek Voices (uncredited)), Peter Hawkins (Dalek Voices (uncredited)).

Ako sledovať Dr. Who and the Daleks online?

Film Dr. Who and the Daleks môžete sledovať online cez niekoľko streamovacích platforiem, ako je Netflix. Prosím, overte si dostupnosť pořadu Dr. Who and the Daleks v rámci vášho predplatného na konkrétnej platforme.

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